< SO & SUCH en Tests-GRATIS.com




Las estructuras formadas por SO y SUCH son dos caras de la misma moneda, es decir, que son dos formas de decir lo mismo.

1) SO + Adjetivo + THAT

The day was SO COLD THAT he didn't go out of the house

(El día fue tan frío que el no salió de casa)

2) SUCH (A) + Adjetivo + Sustantivo + THAT

It was SUCH A COLD DAY THAT he didn't go out of the house

(Fué un día fue tan frío que el no salió de casa)

En la segunda forma el artículo A que va detrás de SUCH se omite cuando son sustantivos plurales (casas, niños) o incontables (agua, dinero)

 Para practicar, responde EN VOZ ALTA cambiando de una estructura a otra de acuerdo con el ejemplo anterior:

1- The day was SO COLD THAT he didn't go out of the house

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2- The day was SO HOT THAT she didn't go out of the house

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3- The omelette is SO BIG THAT I can't eat it all

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4- The book is SO GOOD THAT I can't put it down

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5- The weather was SO BEAUTIFUL THAT she spent the whole day in the park

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6- The story was SO STUPID THAT I didn't read it

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7- The music was SO LOUD THAT he couldn't hear his own voice

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8- The people are SO FRIENDLY THAT you'll have a good time

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9- It was SUCH SPICY FOOD THAT they had to drink four glasses of water

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10- It was SUCH A BORING FILM THAT I fell asleep

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11- She was SUCH AN OLD WOMAN THAT she couldn't walk

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12- It's SUCH AN EXPENSIVE CAR THAT you can't afford it

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13- London is SUCH A BIG CITY THAT we always get lost

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14- It was SUCH BEAUTIFUL WEATHER THAT we spent the whole day at the beach

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15- It was SUCH A LONG CONCERT THAT we got bored

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