





Entre los numerosos videos que explican vocabulario en argot americano, elegimos estos:

1- 10 Palabras Comunes de Argot Americanos Utilizan Todo el Tiempo, de Interactive English

- CRASH = to suddenly fall asleep

- SHOTGUN = front passenger seat of the car

- CREEP =  a person who is unpleasant, strange and weird

- BUCK = a dollar

- FOR REAL = saying you're being honest

- KNOCK = a bad or disparaging remark

- SWEET = expression of happiness due to a favorable situation

- ZONKED = tired, exhausted

- JONESING = strong craving or desire

- BAIL = to leave somewhere or abandon plans (usually leaving someone behind)


2- American slang expressions - Learn English vocabulary, de Speak English with Christina

- TO PIG OUT = when someone eats a lot of food, generally not in a very refined manner

- TO SCREW UP SOMETHING = everything went wrong, they made a lot of mistakes and the project was a disaster

-TO TAKE A RAINCHECK = I can't now but I'd like to at another time

- TO JACK UP THE PRICES = anyone who suddenly increases their prices

- TO DRIVE SOMEONE UP THE WALL = they're making you crazy irritated

-TO RIDE SHOTGUN = the person in the passenger seat in a car

- A COUCH POTATO = just sitting on the couch all day, watching TV, playing video games ... 

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