En primer lugar veremos cuándo usar FEWER (menos).

Debemos utilizar FEWER cuando nos referimos a personas o cosas en plural (niños, profesores, libros, coches...). Por ejemplo:

There are fewer teachers than children

(Hay menos profesores que niños)

Otra manera de expresar esa idea es utilizando NOT AS MANY AS = no tantos como. Por ejemplo

There aren't as many teachers as children

 (No hay tantos profesores como niños)

Para practicar estas estructuras propondremos este tipo de ejercicios:

There are fewer people than chairs

There aren't as many people as chairs

 Y a la inversa:

There aren't as many trees as flowers

There are fewer trees than flowers

Para practicar, responde EN VOZ ALTA siguiendo la estructura de los ejemplos anteriores:

1- There are fewer people than chairs

  Respuesta Correcta

2- There aren't as many trees as flowers

  Respuesta Correcta

3- There are fewer cars in Huelva than in Madrid

 Respuesta Correcta

4- There aren't as many banks in Soria as in Barcelona

 Respuesta Correcta

5- I have fewer dollars than Bill Gates

 Respuesta Correcta

6- You don't have as many problems as Donald Trump

 Respuesta Correcta

7- There are fewer politicians in Lugo than in Madrid

 Respuesta Correcta

8- There aren't as many camels in Spain as in Egypt

 Respuesta Correcta

9- I should eat fewer pizzas than I do

 Respuesta Correcta

10- My house doesn't have as many windows as yours

 Respuesta Correcta

11- There are fewer tourists in Teruel than in Seville

 Respuesta Correcta

12- Spanish language doesn't have as many words as English language

 Respuesta Correcta

13- My son has fewer books than my father

 Respuesta Correcta

14- I don't smoke as many cigarettes as I used to

 Respuesta Correcta

15- I have fewer shoes than my wife

Respuesta Correcta