Cómo traducir TOCAR:

¿Tocas fondo? : can you touch the bottom?

¿Victoria te toca algo? :  is Victoria a relation of yours? / is Victoria related to you?

Tocar el claxon : to blow the horn / to sound the horn / to hoot the horn.

Está aprendiendo a tocar el piano : he's learning to play the piano.


Las campanas tocaban a misa : the bells were ringing for mass.

Siempre me toca a mí sacar al perro : it's always me who has to take the dog out for a walk.

Le ha tocado la lotería : she has won the lottery.

Los extremos se tocan : the two extremes come together / the two extremes meet.

Te toca a tí ¿vas a jugar? : it's your turn, are you going to play? / it's your move, are you going to play?

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