Cómo traducir TOMAR:

¿Vamos a tomar algo? : shall we go for a drink?

¿Qué tomas? : what'll you have? / what would you like to drink?

Tome la primera a la derecha : take the first (turning) on the right.

Tomarle la temperatura a alguien : to take someone's temperature.


No lo tomes a mal : don't take it the wrong way.

Tomarla con alguien : to take against someone.

Tomar el aire : to get some (fresh) air.

Tomar el sol : to sunbathe.

Estoy tomando clases de ruso : I'm taking Russian classes / I'm having Russian classes.

Lo tomó a broma : he took it as a joke.

¿No querías pelea? pues ¡toma! : you wanted a fight? well, now you're going to get one!

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