Cómo traducir CARGAR:

Cargaron el camión con 20 toneladas de fruta : they loaded the truck with 20 tons of fruit / they loaded 20 tons of fruit onto the truck.

Lo cargaron a mi cuenta : they charged it to my account.

No cargues tanto ese baúl : don't put so much into that trunk / don't fill that trunk so full.

Acabó cargando con la culpa : he ended up taking the blame.


La policía cargó contra los manifestantes : the police charged on the demonstrators / the police charged at the demonstrators.

Se cargó de deudas : he saddled himself with debts / he got deep into debt.

Si no me dices dónde está te la vas a cargar : if you don't tell me where it is you'll be for it / if you don't tell me where it is you'll get what for / if you don't tell me where it is you'll be in trouble.

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