Cómo traducir HOSTIA:

Te voy a dar una hostia : you're going to get a smack in the face / you're asking for a smack in the face.

Se pegó una hostia con el coche : he had a really bad car crash / he had a really bad car smash.

¡Hostias! : jeez! / bloody hell!

Se acaba de comprar un coche de la hostia : she's just bought herself an amazing car / the car she's just bought is something else.


Hace un frío de la hostia : it's goddamn! / it's bloody freezing!

Habían invitado a la hostia de gente : they had invited a hell of a lot of people / they had invited a real crowd of people / they had invited the world and his wife.

¡Qué hostias! : what the hell!

Este mechero es la hostia : (expresando fastidio) this lighter is the pits! / this lighter is a pain in the ass! / (expresando admiración) this lighter's great!

Este tío es la hostia : this guy is too much!

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