Cómo traducir SACAR:

Tengo que sacar dinero del banco : I have to get some money out of the bank / I have to draw some money out of the bank.

Saca la cuenta y dime cuánto te debo : work it out and tell me how much I owe you.

¿Has sacado la basura? : have you put the garbage out? / have you taken the garbage out? / have you put the rubbish out? / have you taken the rubbish out?

Saca el perro a pasear : take the dog out for a walk.


¡Socorro! ¡Sáquenme de aquí! : help! get me out of here!

Sacar a alguien a bailar : to ask someone to dance.

Saqué un 5 en química : I got five out of ten in chemistry.

Tiró los dados y sacó un 6 : she threw the dice and got a six.

Saca de banda : he takes the throw-in.

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